That's right.  In two weeks we will be celebrating and reconnecting with our former (not old) classmates from both our class and others.  If you have not registered please get your registration form in as soon as possible.  Please drop us an email and let us know your registration form is on the way.  But if you absolutely cannot attend, remember you can still participate by contributing to one of the funds or to the silent auction for the American Cancer Society..  It would be like having you there in spirit.  So either way, let us hear from you.  We are really hope to seeing you in October.  The registration form can be found here.   


Activities Planned:

There are a lot of other great activities planned for the weekend.  First, our Friday night informal get-together.  For those of you that can make it, we're meeting at Robert's Steakhouse for some food, drinks and fun reminiscing about the "old days".  This night is open to our classmates from other classes, too.  So come out and join up with some of your "old" friends (oops, did we say "old" again?)!  We are supplying the space and you can purchase whatever you would like.  Or....... you can just come stand around and visit.

For our daytime events on Saturday there are several options.  If golf is your game (and I know we have a lot of golfers out there), then be sure and sign up early.   Tee times are being reserved at Sunset Country Club.  You will be responsible for your own green fees.  The golf committee is being led by Tom Granaghan.  If you have any questions contact him at tomgran@suddenlink.net.

For those who prefer to fore go golf in the morning, we've made plans to tour the infamous "Shangri-La".  Join us Saturday morning to take a leisurely stroll through these beautiful botanical gardens, enjoying all the sights, sounds and smells of what could only be a true Orange Landmark (and legend).  Let us know if you plan to participate so we can get a group discount for you.

There was not enough interest in playing softball so that event has been canceled.

Of course, the main event is Saturday night at the Garden District.  The Garden District is located at 7536 Hwy 87 North in Orange.  We will visit from 8:00 pm until midnight.  The dress is "casual dress".  I guess you can describe that as looking good but feeling comfortable.  Remember to bring your checkbook so you can bid on the auction items.   Also, "the Garden District" strictly prohibits BYOB, and we ask everyone to respect their policy.

And last but not least, for Sunday, we've planned a group worship at First Presbyterian Church and would love to have you join us as we end our weekend on a spiritual and positive note.  We will be meeting in the sanctuary for the 11:00 am service.

You can find all these great events listed on the Registration Form, so be sure and sign up!  We will send out more detailed information on these events as time nears. 

We can't wait......... can you?

Donation to the American Cancer Society

Since so many members of our class have been touched by cancer, we plan on raising a little money for the American Cancer Society in the name of our class. Our plan is to have a silent auction during the reunion.   If you have anything you would like to contribute to the auction, please contact Nancy Hayes Allen at nallen@forsythe.com. We have already received our first donation, a hardback, autographed copy of If the Devil Had a Wife, A True Texas Tell by Frank Mills (aka Rebecca Stark).  And, with all our ties to golf, a little birdie told us that there will be several fantastic and unique golf items in the auction.  There is also word that there will be a Tom Windham original included.  I know many of you have marketing items where you work that could be contributed.   What better way to advertise your business.  Just let Nancy know.  We are also accepting monetary donations both on the Registration Form and at the event. 

Even if you are not planning on attending you can participate in this wonderful cause.  Just send the donations to the address on the Registration Form or contact Nancy.

Post in a Highly Visible Place 





Friday, October 8, 2010

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Informal Get Together

3720 W. Park

Saturday Morning, October 9, 2010

9:00 am walk
11:00 am boat ride

Shangri La Tours

Shangri La

Saturday Morning, October 9, 2010




Saturday Evening, October 9, 2010

8:00 pm - Midnight

Main Reunion Event

the Garden District
7536 Hwy 87 North

Sunday Morning, October 10, 2010

11:00 am

Church Service

1st Presbyterian Church


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