Want to say thank you to all of you on 'Our Team' - I know the reunion will be wonderful.
Class of '70
Connie Cable Toungate | 01/31/2010
Thanks so much for "reaching out" as we approach our (dare I say it?) 40th reunion! I look forward to hearing more - esp from Chris (if my husband comes with me, so will his golf clubs ;-)
40th class reunion
Pat Cook | 01/28/2010
Thanks Nancy for getting this started. I'm not much help as far as planning goes (I'm used to Patty telling me what to do for 37 years now), but I am more than willing to do any grunt work that is needed.
40 Reunion
Chris Gunstream | 01/27/2010
It is going to be a blast. Agree with Nancy, those of us on FB have had the opportunity to keep up with each other.